Not for Coltrane (Monica A. Cabrera Photo)
Soul Folks and Not for Coltrane will share a double bill this weekend at Godfrey Daniels in Bethlehem.
However, Saturday's joint performance would not have happened without a trip to Paris.
Singer Alyssa Allen, of Easton, and guitarist Adam Fichtelberg, unbeknownst to the other, each decided to book a flight to France to visit a mutual friend from college. The two met while there and began playing music on the streets of Paris. Upon their return to the United States, the pair decided to start a band.
The collaboration led to the formation of Soul Folks, which is rounded out by bassist Angelo Benedetto. Soul Folks began performing in December 2015 and have become regulars at Godfrey Daniels and other open mic nights in the area.
"Godfrey Daniels has been so kind to us, very supportive," Allen said Friday. "Every time we've gone there, they've been nothing but wonderful."
Not for Coltrane (real name Michael Duck) -- who will be joined Saturday by bassist Shawn Cav and drummer Dave Deubler -- said he is excited to be playing with the group. He teased a potential end-of-the-night jam between the two acts.
"It's great to be part of the (Godfrey Daniels) community," said the singer-songwriter and Godfrey Daniels staple. "I'm thrilled to share the stage with them."
Show time is 8 p.m. There will be a suggested $10 donation at the door.